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Production Diary: the Secret Maps, Ctd

Brain Pickings has a post about Umberto Eco’s the Book of Legendary Lands. It’s an interesting little post that touches on the maps that psyche creates rather than observes and their importance. Legendary lands and places are of various kinds and have only one characteristic in common: whether they depend on ancient legends whose origins […]

The Task of Cleaning Up After the Dead

The New York Times is running an eight-part blog series in its Opinionator column written by Olivia Judson, a biologist and writer based in London, on her experience with packing up her parents’ house in Baltimore after the death of her father. It’s called “the Task.” Dealing with “the stuff” is, in my opinion, an […]

Production Diary: the Secret Maps Research, Ctd

I’ve just read through a small book on men and grief by Golden and Miller. It’s actually two books in one. One side of the book is “When a Man Faces Grief” and contains about 30 pages of 12 notions to give you a general idea of what you may go through and how normal […]