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Having a Little Work Done …Again.

What can I say? Websites age faster than tween idols. So, even though I’ve been submerged in a wave of 2012 life-stuff and other projects and not posting a whole lot, I’m making time to put me ole website under the knife for some minor cosmetic surgery again. Please disregard the non-working shop/cart buttons until […]

Death by Vacuum

For sci-fi writers, courtesy of Gizmodo, here’s how your characters should die when booted out of an airlock. If you were going to write it honestly, You only get fifteen seconds, because that is roughly how long it takes deoxygenated blood to circulate from your lungs to your brain. See, when you’re placed in a […]

Take-Down of the Summer

In a bit on TV Binges Andrew Sullivan just posted one of the best written take-downs of reality television, and the Real Housewives franchise in particular. It completely sums up my discomfort with Bravo’s Andy Cohen, how he perkily revels in the lowest, emptiest, vainest, and greediest of human female behavior and then packages it […]