Aeroecology from the UK

Radar can now track a single bee at 50km. The coolest thing is the idea as one interviewee reports that “We’re beginning to think about the air much like the ocean in that it’s a big, fluid, dynamic habitat.”

Brown University Names Class After My Film

It’s a summer course called, “Running in High Heels: Sex and Power in American Politics” and deals with all the themes covered within my film as well as a whole lot more. When I made “Running in High Heels,” I never expected the very robust reception it would receive in the academic world and while I’m for the moment living a different life and working on a young adult science fiction title, I’m glad to see the film is still resonating. I’ll probably be behind the camera again someday. I hope the class receives a very robust enrollment.

Just for Fun

Love this Bill Hader-driven short and its new proof of how separated by a common language England and America are. I would love the translation of the bit in the middle where Bill says “Graham Norton” and “Gandhi.”